Free Will Services

Write or update your Will for free

Write or update your simple Will for free* with one of SSAFA's Free Wills Services partners- online, over the phone, or by visiting a solicitor.

There is no obligation to leave a gift in your Will when using these services, but we hope you consider doing so. Any gift you can leave, large or small, will help us reach those in the Armed forces community who need our support. Thank you.

* For more complex Wills, our Will writing partners will speak to you about any potential costs beforehand, so you won’t suddenly face an unexpected bill.

Writing your Will

Your Will is one of the most important documents you’ll ever sign, so it needs to be right. If that sounds like a daunting prospect, don’t worry. We want to help make it as easy as possible.

SSAFA has partnered with two organisations who can help you write or update a simple Will:

The National Free Wills Network

The National Free Wills Network offer a free Will writing service for people aged 50 or over, provided by a group of fully qualified and regulated solicitors across the UK.

Find out more.


Farewill is a free online will writing service. Write a simple Will from the comfort and privacy of your own home, for those living in England and Wales.

Find out more.



Bequeathed is a free online Will writing service, which provides expert support for people aged 18 or over, anywhere in the UK.

Find out more.

Thank you

If you do decide to remember us with a gift in your Will, we would be so extremely grateful and we would love to thank you properly for your kindness – any gift pledged will help SSAFA plan for the future.

If you intend to or have already pledged to leave a gift in your Will to the SSAFA, please do let us know by emailing We respect your decision to keep this private if you prefer.

Be rest assured that you are under no obligation to leave a gift to SSAFA while using our Free Will writing services.

Download our useful Will-Planner form to help prepare the important information you will need when writing your Will.

Your gift – large or small – will mean so much to future generations of our Armed Forces family.