Volunteer Forms

Download files for volunteer use only.

This page is provided for SSAFA volunteers only. It contains a variety of forms used by volunteers in a word format, allowing them to be downloaded, printed and completed offline.

Once completed please ensure the data you have collected is kept in a safe and secure place such as your OneDrive, mosaic database (CMS2), or is deleted.


Volunteer Induction Plan:

You can access the role-specific induction plans on SSAFAnet using this link:



Volunteer Onboarding Form:



Casework Forms:

Once complete any form used in relation to a beneficiary case should, where relevant, be uploaded and attached to the Mosaic case as soon as possible.  If you require any advice or support with this please contact your Regional Office team. Once uploaded onto Mosaic the completed form should be deleted from your own system and any hardcopies securely destroyed.

Completed forms must never be shared with anyone outside of SSAFA, with the exception of the named beneficiary or a person that SSAFA have confirmed and been provided with evidence of being legally appointed to act for the beneficiary.

All casework forms listed below are now available for download in the Caseworking section of the SSAFA Volunteer Knowledge Base hosted on Screensteps.

• Mosaic (CMS2) Form A 

• Emergency Proof of Service Application Form

• SSAFA Client Authorisation to External Organisations

• Occupational Therapy Assessment Request

• SSAFA Data Collection Form for Caseworking

• SAIL Client Consent Form

• SAIL Client Referral Form

• Client Referral Form into SSAFA – for SSAFA caseworkers and third party organisations

• Verification of Service Application Form

Miscellaneous forms:

• Volunteer Expenses Form (claims from Branch/Division)

https://www.ssafa.org.uk/media/5t3pajoi/volunteer-expense-claim-form.xlsx (Excel Version)

• Volunteer Expenses Form (claims from Central Office)
