Kevin Penney, local SSAFA representative, attended the garden party for The Not Forgotten held at Buckingham Palace

17 May 2024

Kevin Penney, local SSAFA representative, attended the garden party for The Not Forgotten held at Buckingham Palace on Friday 17th May, 2024.

Kevin stated that "It was such an honour to be attending and meeting serving and former personnel from the United Kingdom Armed Forces past and present.

The Princess Royal, Anne, was in attendance with her husband Sir Timothy Laurence both of whom
spoke to the guests attending the garden party.

The weather was perfect and the afternoon tea was most welcomed, especially the ice cream."

The Beating Retreat ceremony was played by the band of the Irish Guards marking the end of a great afternoon.

The Not Forgotten combats isolation and loneliness amongst the Armed Forces community through social activities and challenge holidays. Supporting any serving man or woman who is wounded, injured or sick and any veteran with a disability, illness or infirmity.


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0800 260 6780

We are open 09:00 - 17:00,
Monday to Friday.