Equality and Diversity Policy

Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion inside and outside of SSAFA.

SSAFA is committed to embedding Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion across the whole organisation. SSAFA recognises that diversity is integral to our workforce and we need to ensure we can offer a safe environment free from judgement whilst continuously evolving our services and empowering individuals to be themselves; whether they are a beneficiary, employee or volunteer.


This policy serves as SSAFA’s stance and approach on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and applies to all who represent SSAFA.


The aim is to make SSAFA an Inclusive Charity, by creating a culture of belonging that is free from judgement for every beneficiary, volunteer and employee where they can be accepted and celebrated for their individuality and where people can genuinely feel free from prejudice.

What does equality, diversity and inclusion mean to SSAFA?

Equality is breaking down any barriers, challenging discrimination and ensuring equality of opportunity across every SSAFA process and service, to all individuals.  

Diversity is celebrating the individuals representing SSAFA for who they are and valuing their characteristics. Each person is an individual with visible and non-visible differences and by embracing these, we want everyone to feel valued.

Inclusion is about creating an inclusive and flexible culture that does not exclude anyone from SSAFA-wide processes and decision making.

This is all in relation to, but not limited to, the Equality Act 2010.

What are the protected characteristics?

Under the Equality Act 2010 there are nine protected characteristics that are protected from all forms of prohibited conduct such as: discrimination, harassment, and victimisation. These are:  

  • Age Those at any point on the age spectrum are protected
  • Race which includes colour (Black, White, Mixed), Nationality or Ethnic/National Origin
  • Religion or Belief Any practiced religion/belief or lack of religion/belief. (Beliefs can include those of both a religious or philosophical nature)
  • Sex the law covers both men and women but it is good practice to consider a range of genders
  • Sexual Orientation this includes and is not limited to: asexuality, bi-sexuality, gay, heterosexuality, lesbian and pansexuality
  • Marital Status/Civil-Partnership
  • Pregnancy or Maternity includes those who have given birth within last 26 weeks and those who are breast feeding.
  • Disability this covers physical impairments, mental health conditions, learning disabilities and long-term health conditions
  • Gender Re-assignment this covers people before, during or after they reassign their gender from the gender they were assigned at birth.  It is possible to transition from male to female, female to male or form one of the binary genders to a non-binary gender.  Gender reassignment may occur through medical intervention or any other steps a person takes to feel more comfortable such as changing their name, pronouns or style of dress.


SSAFA commits to the following actions to embed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion across the Organisation:

  • Ensuring our approach in decision making processes are free from discrimination and bias.
  • Performing Equality Impact Assessments, where appropriate and practicable.
  • Ensuring all line managers and directors receive initial and refresher training on various inclusion related topics.
  • Actively promote training opportunities to employees to enhance their learning around diversity and inclusion.
  • Reporting on and monitoring data streams to measure the success of D&I initiatives and identify areas requiring action.
  • Senior Leadership working to develop projects and initiatives that promote inclusion and build awareness on EDI issues across SSAFA.
  • Committing to positive action, where appropriate.
  • Providing the tools and awareness to support employees to confidently discuss any EDI issues and question inappropriate behaviour.
  • Making reasonable adjustments, where appropriate, to support employees to overcome barriers in the working environment.
  • Ensuring compliance with the Equality Act 2010.

This list is not exhaustive and SSAFA will strive to commit to take appropriate action as and when necessary to ensure all employees, volunteers and beneficiaries feel respected.