‘Transition’ theme for FANDF conference on June 12

28 April 2023

The Forces Additional Needs and Disability Forum (FANDF) is holding its biennial conference at MoD Main Building on Whitehall on Monday, June 12, 2023. The theme this year is “Transition”.

FANDF is a tri-service group for serving personnel – regulars and reserves – and their families who have a child or adult dependent with an additional need or disability, or both.

FANDF is a unique group as it is run by a committee of members whose vision is the ensure that all “Forces families with additional needs and disabilities receive the support they need”.

Fran Robinson, SSAFA’s Service Manager for Additional Needs and Disability, explained more, saying: “The conference theme of ‘transition’ is a broad one, and encompasses transitions within health and social care, the legal system, education, and the transition to civilian life.

Guest speakers – yet to be confirmed – will update conference goers on current policy and legislation as well as providing more information and guidance on these transition topics.”

Fran added that there will be opportunity to ask questions, and representatives from MOD, single service chain of commands, charities and partner organisations will be present during the day to allow a further opportunity for discussion and networking.

Places – up to 120 can attend in person – for the FANDF conference can be booked here, and places available first come, first served basis so please ensure bookings are received by the closing date of Friday May 12, 2023.

The conference is open to interested professionals who may attend as day delegates, but please note that priority will be given to service families.


Please feel free to call our Forcesline if you need any support.

0800 260 6780

We are open 09:00 - 17:00,
Monday to Friday.