Sir Keir Starmer and Anas Sarwar gripped by a soldier’s story at SSAFA Curry Night in Glasgow

06 June 2023

SSAFA Scotland recently held its third successful Curry and Quiz Night at Mr Singh’s India in Glasgow, raising an incredible £4,500 at the event for SSAFA!

The award-winning restaurant was packed with more 70 guests before the quiz master Rikki Neil got the fun packed night underway.

One of those in the award-winning restaurant that night was more used to asking questions in an arena as hot as the curries on offer.

Sir Keir Starmer MP, the Leader of the Labour Party and the Leader Opposition, had happened to be dining with Anas Sarwar MSP – Leader of the Scottish Labour Party– in the restaurant when their attention was grabbed by an interview taking place with Gary Jamieson, late of the Scots Guards, during the quiz.

Gary was being interviewed about his service in Afghanistan by Scott Cunningham, SSAFA’s Scotland Challenge & Community Events Officer. A vivid – harrowing, even – interview, Gary described his military service and explained how he became a triple amputee after surviving an explosion while deployed, and of the support he and his family received from SSAFA.

Gary’s inspirational story kept all rapt, encouraging the 70-odd diners and quiz-goers to dig even deeper during the raffle and the auction.

Scott said: “I’d like to thank Charlie Cook – Regional Employer Engagement Director Lowland Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association – for his incredibly kind support in helping ensure that the event was a tremendous success.

The kindness from everyone who donated some amazing auction and raffle prizes was testament to what SSAFA means to so many in our local community who are keen to support us in Scotland, and of course massive thanks to Satty Singh, the restaurant’s owner for his hospitality, and Rikki Neil for hosting free of charge.

Also, my thanks, too, to Keir Starmer and Anas Sarwar, who were as gripped as everyone else by Gary’s recollections and spoke of the positive impact SSAFA has on our veteran and serving community.”