On your bike! For the SSAFA D-Day Cycle Tour

09 June 2023

SSAFA is delighted to announce its D-Day Cycle Tour, starting on Wednesday, 5 June 2024.

The route begins at historic Southwick House in Portsmouth, the site of the forwards headquarters of the invasion of Normandy and the famous Map Room. From there, onto a ferry and across the Channel, via the landmark beaches stormed by Allied Forces exactly 80 years ago; Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha and Utah, then triumphantly on to Caen.

During the three day, fully supported event, cyclists will ride over Pegasus Bridge, famously taken in the early hours of D-Day by the 6th Airborne Division and through Sainte-Mère-Église, also taken in the early hours by the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment. The trip will culminate in a service of Remembrance at the Bayeux Cemetery, the largest WW2 cemetery of Commonwealth soldiers in France.

Commemorating the lives lost during D-Day and the Battle of Normandy, this epic 240 mile cycle challenge will see participants cycle up to 80 miles per day, through historic and inspiring landscape, offering the opportunity not only to raise funds for SSAFA but also to immerse yourself in the history and awe of what was achieved on D-Day 80 years before.

Lt General Sir Andrew Gregory, CEO at SSAFA said: “D Day – 6th June 1944 - was the start of the liberation of northern Europe and the end of Nazi tyranny; men and women gave their lives so we could enjoy democracy and freedom.

"Cycling past the beaches and through the countryside 80 years to the day after those actions happened is a fitting tribute to their courage and sacrifice. It also highlights why SSAFA must be there for those veterans and all those who put service to the Nation before themselves, and their families, then, now and in the future.  Additionally, the ride – when one’s not tackling some horrendous incline, is fun; the camaraderie is wonderful. I look forward to seeing you there.”

Please feel free to call our Forcesline if you need any support.

0800 260 6780

We are open 09:00 - 17:00,
Monday to Friday.