Fusilier walking 13 Bridges for Armed Forces Day

19 June 2023

Cpl Gary Thompson, an Army veteran who is now a Reservist with the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers in London, is walking 13 of London’s iconic bridges for SSAFA on Armed Forces Day (Saturday 24 June).

The walk takes Gary and the other participants through major London sights, including Tower Bridge and London Bridge, the Houses of Parliament, Shakespeare’s Globe theatre, HMS Belfast and much, much more.

The 13 Bridges Challenge is open to all ages and abilities, and the route is entirely wheelchair accessible. The walk is fully guided, with SSAFA team-leaders looking after participants every step of the way.

Gary said: “I complete the route with a 30kg Bergen, and this year I am acting I as guide as well. I first got involved with 13 Bridges when I joined the Army reserves in 2016. I had prior knowledge of the great work SSAFA do from my time in the regulars and I wanted to do my bit to help them raise funds.

“13 Bridges for me is a chance to talk to members of the public about the great work SSAFA do, my life as a regular and reservist, whilst supporting them to complete the 10 mile course across the bridges. It also gives me the opportunity to show off our great city.”

Gary has also been inspired to become a SSAFA caseworker – a volunteer who is trained to assist veterans and service people in their times of need.

Please feel free to call our Forcesline if you need any support.

0800 260 6780

We are open 09:00 - 17:00,
Monday to Friday.