Boeing’s big help for SSAFA continues

03 February 2023

Since 2019, Boeing has supported SSAFA with large corporate donations from its charity grant, and its support now is more vital than ever.

As inflation rose sharply and the cost-of-living crisis began to bite, Boeing gave a £74,000 donation to SSAFA split 60-40 between the Boeing Emergency fund (£44,400) and SSAFA’s Mentoring scheme (£29,600).

From January to October 2022, SSAFA’s Grants Team supported almost 200 beneficiaries with their welfare needs from the grant award received from Boeing. In addition to this, we have awarded a total of £54,476 from the fund.

These are big numbers, but there are big issues to cope with, yet at the centre of each case is a person.

One of these is Chris, in his early 20s.

Chris served as a Guardsman for six years until he noticed a decline in his health. After numerous tests Chris was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. While Chris has begun to come to terms with the management of his long-term medical condition, he was also advised that he could no longer remain in service and commenced with his medical discharge.

For one that young and with such passion and pride in his regiment and his job, it was devastating for him: his career was at the heart of everything he did and the plans he had made have been radically altered.

However, demonstrating the resilience befitting of any member of the Armed Forces, Chris has been very proactive, has demonstrated great ability to adapt, and is now retraining to become a skilled tradesman in the construction industry.

But then Chris experienced another personal challenge. At first, he thought he could move in with his girlfriend, but doing so would not have allowed him to access the course.

Chris looked at what support was out there for him, but with no idea of what steps to take to resolve the situation, he approached SSAFA’s Mentoring Team and presented himself as homeless.

The Mentoring Team devised a plan and was able to support Chris by successfully applying for accommodation at a veterans’ specific independent living facility. However, this left the team with a week where Chris had no other options for accommodation and no source of funding for a temporary accommodation.

The Mentoring Team was able to use the generous funding provided by Boeing  to provide immediate support for Chris at a Premier Inn near to his course until his permanent accommodation became available.

Once Chris had received confirmation that this vital week’s accommodation had been secured, he contacted the Mentoring Team with a heartfelt message, saying: “Thank you so much, I was really scared of being on the street and didn’t know how I was going to manage my medication.”

Chris has recently moved into his permanent accommodation, and support for him from the Mentoring Team will continue as he pursues his new career and new life.

Clare Bain, SSAFA’s Mentoring Services Manager, said: “Having the ability to be able to access crisis or emergency funds immediately enabled us to support Chris without delay.

But Chris is just one case out of many that SSAFA can help because of the invaluable financial support Boeing gives us. Boeing is playing a crucial part in allowing SSAFA to carry out its role for serving personnel, veterans, and their families – just as it has done for nearly 140 years.

Sir Andrew Gregory, Controller of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity said:

On behalf of the beneficiaries of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity I am extremely grateful to Boeing for its very generous contribution to our work throughout 2022, in preceding years and going forwards.

In particular, the Boeing Global Engagement Grant – some £74,000 split 60-40 between the Boeing Emergency fund and SSAFA’s Mentoring Scheme – is driving positive, meaningful, and lasting change that benefits every member of the military family in their time of need.

Put simply, without the support of companies like Boeing the impact and reach of our work – which improves and changes lives – would be hampered, and so we greatly appreciate Boeing’s continued commitment to SSAFA.

Please feel free to call our Forcesline if you need any support.

0800 260 6780

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