Another successful SSAFA summer Short Break

06 September 2024

The third Short Break of 2024, held at Calvert Trust’s Exmoor site, has been hailed a success by those taking part.

Short Breaks are organised by the Additional Needs and Disability Team of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity and are run for serving families with children living with a range of additional needs and disabilities including autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, speech disorders, and complex medical needs.

The late summer Short Break – the 11 families came from all three services – was sponsored by military accommodation provider Annington and led by Ellen Chard and Lucy White of SSAFA. Families took part in a wide range of activities – from horse riding, canoeing and rafting to bike riding, ziplining and a trip from Exmoor Zoo as well as an evening disco – at the site.

Ellen described the centre as “brilliant” for the way it can host children of all abilities, a message that was echoed by families who attended, one of which commented:

We tried new things we would never have thought of, and having other similar families with us helped build our confidence” while another said of the break “Calvert had a wonderful, inclusive vibe and it really was a super week as we were able to do activities we would have struggled to access.

Annington’s James Hamand, who visited the summer Short Break, said: “I was, once again, delighted to have been invited to spend some time with the SSAFA team and the families they support on the Short Breaks programme down in Exmoor.

“It was amazing to see how the opportunity to enjoy a week away as a family, with the facilities and support available for children and young people with additional needs, brought such joy to all those involved.

“Watching the activities and spending time speaking with the children and their parents really emphasises the impact these weeks can have on families, and I am so pleased Annington continues to support this work.

SSAFA has a group specifically for serving families with members living with additional needs. Called the Forces Additional Needs and Disability Forum (FANDF), it is always looking for new members.

Learn more about FANDF here

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0800 260 6780

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Monday to Friday.