And they’re off! Free tickets available for November’s Military Race Day at Chepstow

14 July 2023

Yes, November is a long way off. It has not been the First Night of The Proms let alone the Last, the Ashes is still being fought, and even Christmas items have yet to find their way into supermarkets.

However, it is now less than four months until the Forces’ favourite in the racing calendar – The Military Race Day at Chepstow – and there are 5,000 FREE tickets up for grabs at the November 8 event, proceeds from which will go to three military welfare organisations, including SSAFA.

Since 2014, around £200,000 has been raised for SSAFA at Chepstow Military Race Days, enabling the UK’s oldest tri-service charity to carry on its life-changing work for serving and former Armed Forces personnel, and their families, just as it has since 1885.

More details to follow, but expect a full race card, a prize auction, and a raffle.

Tickets are limited to those with a UK Armed Forces connection and for no more than six tickets per booking or household.

To secure your free Grandstand tickets for the race day on Wednesday, November 8, please complete your details here.  

Please feel free to call our Forcesline if you need any support.

0800 260 6780

We are open 09:00 - 17:00,
Monday to Friday.