SSAFA's top honour for volunteer archivist Juliet

12 July 2024

Juliet Chaplin, a much-loved volunteer for SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity has been awarded the SSAFA Gold Medal for her commitment, understanding, integrity and exceptional service to SSAFA.

The Gold Medal was approved in 2008 by Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for exceptional service over a period of more than 10 years, and has been presented only twice since its introduction. The award was presented at SSAFA’s Annual Members’ Meeting in London at the Victory Services Club on July 11 by His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent, SSAFA’s President.

Born in Gloucester, but a lifetime Cheam resident, Juliet (81) has always done office work, beginning with ICT (International Computers & Tabulators), then in a small management consultancy.

She says: “After the company was taken over and wrecked, we all left. I obtained a post in SSAFA, and though I’d enjoyed the business world, I wanted to work towards something other than making a profit.”

She started with SSAFA in 1974 as Personnel Officer, carrying out many duties including with SSAFA’s committees and branches, and worked closely with the Chairman and Controller and other senior people.

Although Juliet has no direct family connections to the Armed Forces – “My father worked for the Bank of England and although he was willing to serve, the Bank would not release him, and my mother was busy looking after my elder brother who was born in 1940.” – she does have indirect links, and adds:.

“My father's brother was a Grenadier officer, killed in December 1944, soon after receiving the Military Cross. His youngest sister was an Army driver and the other sister was in the Foreign Office and MI6. Their father, a GP, served in the RAMC* in WWI. My eldest cousin did RAF National Service, learning Russian.”

Juliet retired from SSAFA 16 years ago, and says of her career: “I enjoyed my time at SSAFA, meeting so many wonderful people and attending many interesting events, from Westminster Abbey services to local meetings. I’m still in touch with a number of volunteers as well as former colleagues, and I enjoy being SSAFA’s Archivist as the history of the organisation is so fascinating.

“As I was fortunate enough to be made a Member of the order of the British Empire in 1996, I didn’t expect to ever receive any other award, but I am delighted to know that SSAFA values the work I do, and I thoroughly enjoyed receiving the award from HRH Prince Michael, who does so much good work for SSAFA and other worthy causes.”

All at SSAFA send Juliet Chaplin MBE their heartfelt congratulations on receiving the Gold Medal.



*The Royal Army Medical Corps, and affectionately known by other regiments as “Rather A Mixed Crowd”.

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