SSAFA Cyprus Podiatry

Looking after the feet and legs of British Forces Cyprus.

The role of a Podiatrist
How can we help
How to access the service


The role of a Podiatrist

Podiatrists are healthcare professionals who have been trained to diagnose and treat abnormal conditions of the feet and lower limbs. They also prevent and correct deformity, keep people mobile and active, relieve pain and treat infections.


How can we help?

Your GP/Practice Nurse may decide to refer you to the Podiatrist for support with skin and nail conditions of the foot, rheumatoid arthritis of the foot, nail surgery, vascular conditions, diabetes, some musculoskeletal disorders.


How to access the service

The SSAFA podiatry service is provided in primary health care clinics.

For medical podiatry (diabetic foot) please ask your GP to refer you to the SSAFA Podiatrist.

For muscular skeletal issues caused or aggravated by lower limb/foot biomechanics please speak to your Medical Officer.

The SSAFA podiatrist can only provide orthotics to entitled civilians following assessment/treatment at the Primary Care Rehabilitation facility (including the use of the shelf insoles).